America’s Godly Heritage & Where Lambs Are Born

Hello Great Questions Group Friends!

I became aware of and connected with David Barton’s outreach many years ago and actually helped facilitate bringing him in to speak at several large network marketing conferences during that time.

I was and still am, astounded by this true American History which, by and large, I was not taught in any school I have attended.

Biblical Christianity is not religion…it is REALITY based on all available objective evidence…evidence we are continuing to discuss through this GQG Forum.

I still have a number of David’s resources, including an earlier audio and DVD version of this talk, but I found this more recent one already posted, so I thought I’d share it.

It is quite Eye Opening, to say the least!

Also, since we are now moving into the Christmas season, and we have quite a few new folks who have joined the Group since last year, I thought I’d re-share the Vid I did last December: Where Lambs Are Born

It is quite illuminating as well, and I received quite a bit of complementary feedback on it… so even if you’ve heard it before, it might be worth a re-listen.

Also, consider sharing it with someone you know who hasn’t heard it.

It might give them a fresh and blessed new perspective on the main reason for the season…the Nativity!

Finally, if you’re up for it and feel led, consider a year-end donation to help the outreach of the GQG continue and grow!

Thank You!



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