
My 65th Birthday Soiree!

I want to extend an invitation to you!

A  little, informal 65th Birthday Celebration for Markus D! 🎉 

Saturday Evening, March 15th, 2025

Specific Time & Location will be Forthcoming, but… 

Probably around 6-7pm   

And most likely at a casual restaurant, diner, or coffee shop in the local area.

(We had an Event planned for my 60th, but Covid put the kibosh on it!)

No Gifts. please!  Your Presence will be my Present! 😁

It would be way-cool to see many of you I haven’t seen in quite a while!

And for those that would like to hang out for a bit, I may even take a few moments and talk about “The Reality of Time”.

I will keep you updated via the GQG Broadcasts, and also via this Events Page. 

But for now, please RSVP, ASAP and let me know if you would like to attend–along with those who would be coming with you–as I’d like to get a rough head count so I can finalize the location.  Thanks!    (M**k@M**kDeM*tt*o.c*m)

Should be fun!


Birthday Soiree Update:

RSVP Deadline is Saturday, Feb. 15th.  

FYI, I will be sharing specific Time & Location only with those that RSVP!

So if you’re planning on coming, be sure that you do!

And I appreciate those that already have!