New Vid & First Prez on First Thanksgiving

Happy “All Hallows Eve” GQG Friends–the Eve of All Saints Day, Nov. 1, which is followed by All Souls Day, Nov. 2nd!


One of the most universal and most certain of all scientific laws, is the one known as Cause and Effect.

This Law simply states that every Effect must have an Adequate Cause…and an Adequate Cause is one which both precedes and is greater than the effect it produces.

It is also one of the most widely accepted and powerful arguments for the existence of God.

As a watch requires a watchmaker, so likewise a Creation requires a Creator--if we are going to be completely scientific!

Furthermore, this Law also sheds some profound light on the reality of Heaven.


Also, with the Thanksgiving Season upon us once again here in the U.S., I thought I’d share a post I did back in November, 2018, sharing the Proclamation made by our first President, regarding our first Thanksgiving. 

If you’ve never read it, it is quite illuminating! 

With my prayer that each of you will have a Happy, Safe, Reflective and Grateful, Thanksgiving Season.


A GQG Special Msg: George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

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