(With Easter at the end of this month, I wanted to produce and disseminate this video a bit earlier, so folks would have time to reflect on it prior to the Holy Weekend.)
When we think of Jesus Christ, what picture comes to mind?
Do we ever wonder how accurate our mental image of Him actually is?
But what is He like, really?
Well, in this video, I share what I believe is perhaps the most astounding single verse in the Bible, which sheds some amazing light on the answer to that question!
Also, in light of the 2nd Total Solar Eclipse crossing the country in 7 years on Monday, April 8th, I thought I would share the link to the audio I produced for the previous one in 2017…which hadn’t occurred in 99 years!
In this Video I share Three amazing facts regarding Trees and the Wood they produce, and a cool analogy to Spiritual Growth, God opened my eyes to, as I was Splitting some Firewood recently.
“Francis Schaeffer once remarked
that if he had an hour with a person on a plane who did not know the Lord,
he would spend the first fifty-five minutes
talking about Creation in the image of God and where man came from,
In this Session, I do a quick “show and tell” on my two Orchids…
and then briefly consider some of the amazing marvels of Plant Life which are quite eye-opening!
“The harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it all the systematic thinking of human beings is utterly insignificant.” –Albert Einstein
In this Session, we revisit “The Code” and briefly consider its extraordinary dimensions, along with a remarkable “Jet Turbine” molecular machine which operates on it within the cell.
The additional video, Unlocking The Mystery of Life, is one I refer to in Part 8, and is definitely worth a watch.
Both present more clear evidence–in the light of true science and just plain common sense–of a Master Designer.
And finally, sending along my warm thoughts and prayers to each of you for a Happy, Safe and Eternally Prosperous 2024!
Today I am bringing you my latest video “SETI, DNA and Information: Science and Origins, Part 7”
In this Session, we take a quick but compelling look at Information–what it is and where it comes from–and how it relates to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the DNA Code in living organisms. “DNA is like a computer program, but far far more advanced than any software ever created.” –Bill Gates
Also, I pose an important question for all of us to consider toward the end of the vid.
Furthermore, since I refer to them both, I thought I’d share the links to “Markus D’s Four P’s”and“Where Lambs Are Born” …though you can find them both on the “Videos” Page.
Additionally, I wanted to share a LOWER PRICE FYI regarding the two weeks which are available in Orlando Florida, Jan. 21 though Feb. 4, 2024.
I have already dropped the price by $150, but I’m planning on dropping it another $500 soon!
But before I do, I wanted to give those of you in The Group “First Dibs” on a $650 discount off my original price!
As mentioned previously, it is from a timeshare at a lovely resort that my folks owned since 1988–we’ve been there many times over the years.
However, now that they’ve both passed, I don’t plan on traveling down there any more.
These are two weeks that are already completely paid for, so I’m only looking to recover as much of those fees as I’m able.
Proceeds will be used to help fund the GQG!
Here are the Craigslist and FB ads, if anyone might be interested.
And finally, as we now leave the Thanksgiving Season, (It has been said that Thanksgiving is celebrated on one day, but Thanks-Living ought to be celebrated all year long!) let me take this opportunity to extend my warm thoughts and prayers to each of you and yours for a Merry, Safe, Reflective, Grateful and Blessed Christmas Season, 2023!
P.S. If you’ve been touched, illuminated and encouraged by the GQG, consider helping it along…with a Year-End Donation!
Happy “All Hallows Eve” GQG Friends–the Eve of All Saints Day, Nov. 1, which is followed by All Souls Day, Nov. 2nd!
One of the most universal and most certain of all scientific laws, is the one known as Cause and Effect.
This Law simply states that every Effect must have an Adequate Cause…and an Adequate Cause is one which both precedes and is greater than the effect it produces.
It is also one of the most widely accepted and powerful arguments for the existence of God.
As a watch requires a watchmaker, so likewise a Creation requires a Creator--if we are going to be completely scientific!
Furthermore, this Law also sheds some profound light on the reality of Heaven.
Also, with the Thanksgiving Season upon us once again here in the U.S., I thought I’d share a post I did back in November, 2018, sharing the Proclamation made by our first President, regarding our first Thanksgiving.
If you’ve never read it, it is quite illuminating!
With my prayer that each of you will have a Happy, Safe, Reflective and Grateful, Thanksgiving Season.
I have several items to share with you this time, so I’ve paused my Science Series for the moment.
First, is a short new video called Reality Check!
I recorded it at a Historic Landmark I like to occasionally visit…as it helps me to Remember Reality, and keeps me motivated on my Great Questions Quest!
Next, I’m sharing a few Pix with you:
I needed to order some more GQG “Business Cards”, and in the process, picked up a couple of cool New Tools I’m now using.
First is a sweet little Window Decal…the QR code is the same as the one on the back of the Biz Cards and links to the About Page where the 7-Part GQQ Video Series is posted.
Next are some fun T-Shirts with the same logo on the back–great for the gym and out and about. (Note: For some reason, website would not load previews of next 2 pix, but if you click on the links, you’ll see them)
Also, have a shot of my new cards–5,000 of them! Last batch was 2500, and they’re all gone! I try to get a card or the site out to everyone I meet. (Not a hero–just trying to spread the Truth and Hope, and be part of the Solution, instead of part of the Problem!)
And even though it’s also a recent acquisition, I’ve already shown you my groovy New Recording Mic in my previous Video, Tiny Hands, so no additional pic needed!
Last photo is of another new “Tool” that I ordered in a different way…check it out and you’ll see!
Next item is just an FYI regarding two weeks which are available in Orlando Florida, Jan. 21 though Feb. 4, 2024.
It is from a timeshare at a lovely resort that my folks owned since 1988–we’ve been there many times over the years. However, now that they’ve both passed, I don’t plan on traveling down there any more.
These are two weeks that are already completely paid for, so I’m only looking to recover those fees. Proceeds will be used to help fund the GQG.
Here is the Craigslist ad, if anyone might be interested. I plan to post it on FB, too.
And finally, and it that vein…If you’ve been touched, illuminated and encouraged by the GQG, consider helping it along, so I can continue to do so…not only for you and those that are already a part of our Group…but also for those that will be, as I continue to reach out. Thanks!
In this Session, I share the compelling story behind this amazing picture of a 21 week old preborn baby boy’s (perfectly formed) little hand…and then take a brief look at the astounding complexity of the formation of a new human being within the womb of their mother.
Also, check out my SweetNew Recording Microphone! 😉
First, I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you who shared your kind thoughts and prayers with me over the last few months, regarding the passing of my Dad back in March.
There have been quite a few–including those from my Business Team and my Social Media friends–and they are still trickling in.
Though it will be a significant endeavor, it has always been my goal to respond to each of you personally…but with only a few exceptions, I have yet to be able to do so.
However, now that things are starting to settle down a bit, I am planning on beginning this process in the near future.
In the meantime, I wanted to express my heart-felt appreciation to everyone collectively.
Also, I wanted to share my Newly Released Fourth Part of my Science and Origins Series: “Probability”
In this Session I share some astounding numbers from some highly qualified scientists and mathematicians, regarding the odds that even the basic building blocks of living systems, could’ve arisen by chance.
I think it will “blow you away”! It certainly did me!
I have also included the link to an older, but really cool video I saw years ago which helps give us an appreciation for the “Powers of Ten” which I refer to in Part 4.
In this session, we take a brief look at one of the preeminent scientists of the 19th Century, Lord Kelvin. Not only is he responsible for formulating the Laws of Conservation and Decay we discussed in Part 2, he also discovered a temperature barrier known as “Absolute Zero” which is an interesting confirmation of the Conservation Law.
And for those of us here in the USA, I wanted to send along my best wishes and prayers to everyone, to have a safe, enjoyable and reflective Independence Day Weekend, as we celebrate America’s Birthday on the 4th!🇺🇲🇺🇲
If you are new to the Great Questions Group, please visit the “About The GQG” page listed above and be sure to check out my “Great Questions Quest” 7-Part Video Series posted there!