Origin of the World’s Religions

Reviewing some interesting info on where many of the world’s religions came from.

It is a follow-up to my previous video, “The Two Great Classes of Religions in the World”.

Here’s a comment I received regarding that video…

Loved, Loved, Loved this video! Thank you Mark! –CC

And a Journal quote…

“The Unexamined Life, is Not Worth Living”  –Socrates

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The Two Great Classes of Religions in the World

Hello GQG Friends!

Here’s a new Video sharing a perspective that helped me make sense of all the various philosophies and religions found in the world.

And FYI, I have recently pointed the GreatQuestionsGroup.org and .com domains to the “About” page of this website.

This way, any first time visitors given either of those two addresses, will land directly on that page…which will provide them with an overview of the GQG first.

MarkDeMatteo.com still lands on the GQG Home Page.

Wishing America a Happy Birthday this coming weekend!

Mark D  🙂

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How we can tell what’s really Christian, from what pretends to be…and why the difference matters.

Another “walking” video I have produced for the Great Questions Group!    🙂

And for those of us here in the U.S., as we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, let us be sure to remember with gratitude, all those brave folks in our Armed Forces who have paid the ultimate price over the years to protect and keep free, not only we in our beloved Land, but those in other Lands, too!

And while we’re reflecting on Sacrifice, let us also remember that Singular One paid for us by our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to allow us the option of becoming truly free forever, by putting our trust in Him.

If you’d like to know more about this amazing reality, check out my Great Questions Quest Video Series, posted on the “About” Page of this site.

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Eternal Crowns

Becoming one of the Rulers of the Eternal Kingdom…or not!

A comment from one of my recent videos:

Mark, I just watched your “Double Red” video on YouTube.

Great message!

I’m glad you introduced yourself to my wife and I. 

Keep being a Berean!   –JH

And a thought from one of my Journals:

Be aware of, and beware of, anything that pulls at you!

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Our Ledger

A startling, sobering and motivating reality regarding God being outside of time, and our future sins.

A GQG Easter Message…and I am wishing each of you a blessed one!


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Double Red (PG-13)

A GQG video sharing a piece of what I like to call “Practical Evidence” for the existence of God…and it’s amazing implications!

(This is a “PG-13” rated message.)

And a thought from one of my Journals:

Our Great God upholds

this entire created cosmos

with an effortless,

perpetual, serenity.

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The Patience of God (The Gift of Time Part 2)

Something I have been reflecting a lot on lately…

He has waited long enough for you and I to be a part of the picture!


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A New Year’s Message: The Gift Of Time

Happy New Year Great Questions Group Friends!

2022…Investing Time…In Light Of Eternity.

And a comment from my Christmas Message:  Where Lambs Are Born

Hi Mark,

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this video. I found it fascinating! In fact, i have shared it with several people, including an old high school friend who just happens to be a pastor. He too enjoyed it. It makes so much sense and ties so many issues together. I too will never look at the nativity Scene the same way!  

Merry Christmas and Thanks,    –TD
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A Christmas Message: Where Lambs Are Born

This is a recount of a message I heard years ago which totally blessed my heart.
After hearing it, I’ve never looked at a Nativity Scene in the same way again!
And a note from one of my Journals:  
Every little moment,
no matter how small or imperfect,
in any way spent focused on devotion to God,
in simple childlike faith,
not on sight or feelings,
is of priceless eternal value.
Also, if you’re up for it, please consider a year-end donation to help me continue my work in the coming year. 
The need has never been greater, and, Lord willing, I plan to “ramp it up” a bit more in 2022! 
Thank You! 

Finally, I extend my warm thoughts and prayers to each of you during this marvelous Christmas time of year.
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A GQG Classic Message: A Thanksgiving Prayer

(I shared the following message with the GQG back in 2016)

Several years ago now, around this same time of year–right before our Thanksgiving Day holiday here in the USA–I thought I would take some time to really reflect on just a portion of all I had to be grateful for.

As I did, I thought it might be good to write it all down as a prayer of Thanksgiving to our Wonderful God.

Then, I thought it might be worth sharing it with those of you in our GQG.

After doing so, I received quite a bit of grateful feedback and also a number of requests to  record an audio copy of it.

The last time I shared this was in 2014, as I had a different message last year, but since many of you are new, I thought I would share it again.

It has gone through several minor modifications–actually additions–since my original version I shared in 2012, but the essence remains the same.

Furthermore, for those of us which have heard it before–myself included–it is always good to pause, reflect, remember, and then sincerely thank our Great God with heart-felt gratitude for all He continues to provide for us!

A Thanksgiving Prayer 2016

Our Father, which art in Heaven, we thank You:

For this vast Cosmos of space and time, matter and energy, which You created and now sustain through Your wisdom and power.

For this amazing reality called life, in which we now exist, moment by moment, day by day…which only You have given us.

For this marvelous planet called Earth through which You sustain, protect and provide for us.

For sunshine and rain, windy and snowy days, air to breathe, and water to drink, spring flowers, autumn colors, blue skies, white clouds, rainbows, sunsets, moon light and starry nights.

For majestic mountains and painted prairies, lakes and rivers, canyons and forests–from sea to shining sea.

For the living miracle of our physical bodies:

For the more than 100 trillion cells which make up our bones, nerves, muscles, organs, skin, eyes, hair, hands and feet.

For our breath, our heartbeat, for taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight.

For our brains, our minds, and consciousness, for our thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions…

And for the astounding reality that, as complex as they are, our bodies essentially run themselves.

Yet most of all, for the Immortal Soul You have placed inside each one of us Father, which in Your eyes is worth more than all the world.

For our families and friends and all those dear to us…even our pets.

For the amazing gift of love and our ability to experience it–to give it, receive it and share it.

For the privilege of living in what is still, probably the greatest country that has ever existed.

For food, clothing, shelter, and transportation–perhaps all in abundance

For freedom of speech, information, travel, occupation, and worship.

For justice and liberty–in greater abundance than anywhere else on earth.

For every man or woman who has ever served, and perhaps bled and even died on a battlefield to provide us that liberty.

For love and trust, virtue and valor, truth and faithfulness, strength and honor, devotion and sacrifice, and all that is noblest in the human realm.

For the amazing, though oft neglected privilege of talking to You in prayer and thanking You for Your constant, continuous care.

But also, for a day in which we are reminded to pause in thanksgiving and reflect upon how blessed we truly are, all year long.

 Most of all Father, we thank You for the priceless gift of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

For You have granted Eternal Life to each of us who have placed our trust in Him, as our personal Savior.

For Your Word tells us the sober, yet thrilling truth that Jesus is almighty God and that He will indeed, one day soon, return again to this earth.

And this time, He will do so as the Sovereign King and Supreme Judge of the Cosmos.

For Jesus was first the Creator, before He became Savior, for the Scriptures declare that “all things were made by Him” and He is therefore, absolute Lord of all.

And when He does return, He will richly reward those of us who have loved and obeyed Him, but will also be forced to judge and banish into perdition, all who have persisted in rejecting His unprecedented offer of love and forgiveness.

For He will then renew and transform this Cosmos, which is presently wounded by the curse of sin and iniquity, into one so glorious that Bible tells us that “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those that love him”!

And we will inherit a new and everlasting kingdom which has been prepared for us from the foundation of the world, and will live and reign with Him there for ever and ever.   Amen!

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! 

And until that great day arrives,

May the Lord bless you and keep you;

May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you;

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


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