Well, This Was A “New One”! :(

I recently had an unexpected, unappreciated, and inappropriate event happen, which  caused the delay of my publishing this most recent video that I had actually produced back in late May.

The main topic is The ATP Synthase Nanomotor…an Amazing, Microscopic, Power Generating, Molecular Turbine, Operating within Every Living Cell!

However, just as an aside, I also briefly refer to some interesting information I only recently became aware of regarding Global Carbon Reservoirs and the exchange between them…and how it might relate to the current topics of “Global Warming, Climate Change and Carbon Footprints”, etc.

Then, when I went to publish the video, to my surprise, dismay, and without my permission, an unwanted banner had been added to it–which I am unable to remove.

Apparently, the video was flagged because of the brief reference to the “current topics” I just mentioned, which prompted this “Information Panel” being added.

Here is their explanation as to why, which I have enclosed in brackets { }…and my comments which I have added within the parenthesis ( ).

{Topical context in information panel

When you search or watch videos related to topics prone to misinformation (Who is determining these topics, and what the misinformation really is?), such as the moon landing (Seriously?!), you may see an information panel at the top of your search results or under a video you’re watching.

Information panels show basic background info (From whose perspective?), sourced from independent, third-party partners, to give more context on a topic (Really? If so, why are they only presenting one side of the story?). If you want to learn more, the panels also link to the third-party partner’s website (So you can hear even more of only one side of the story. Why not links to websites that express both or all sides of the topic, and let the viewer listen and decide for themselves? Better yet, why even have these Panels? I thought YouTube was a platform where everyone was free to share all sides of an issue or topic?)

These information panels will show regardless of what opinions or perspectives are expressed in a video.

Information panels may not be available in all countries/regions and languages. We’re working to bring information panels to more countries/regions.(Great–more one-sided info.)

YouTube doesn’t endorse or create any of the info shown in information panels on YouTube. (Then why promote it as “basic background info”?) If you disagree with info in a particular article, please contact the website owner that published the article. If you see an information panel that violates our Community Guidelines, send us feedback.}

While I have not studied this subject personally to any great extent, I have heard enough to know that there is more than one side to this topic…as there are on virtually all topics!

Furthermore, I’m surprised that so brief a reference, caused this video to be “tagged”.

I thought about redoing it, but after some reflection, decided to leave it as is, so everyone could see what had happened, and write this little editorial sharing some of my thoughts on this unwanted banner.

If you do a little research online regarding them, not surprisingly, you’ll see a fair amount of unfavorable comments from other “independent third party sources”!

Now that I’m aware of this, I may consider going back to producing a few more audios from time to time.


And finally, I want to take this opportunity to wish all the Dads out there a very Happy & Blessed Father’s Day!


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