New Preface to The Origin and Purpose Of The Great Questions Group

Hello GQG Friends!

Christmas Tree 2018

I trust this finds each of you enjoying this wonderful time of year!

I recently published a new Preface to The Origin and Purpose Of The Great Questions Group!

It can be found within the About The GQG section of this Forum.

I have also produced an Audio Version of the Preface as well.

Here is a brief excerpt…

“And as those answers came together, they furnished me with a growing awareness of something quite extraordinary:  

The certainty of the eventual and perhaps imminent arrival of an entirely New Order of Reality and Existence–one so totally and profoundly altered and improved, that it is virtually beyond our comprehension.

Furthermore, that there are in fact specific Keys, which we need to become aware of and use properly, to not only gain access to this new reality, but also to enhance our experience there once we arrive.”


As a thought, if it has been a while, you might want to consider reviewing Parts 1 & 2 as well, while you are checking out the Preface.

Though I wrote & recorded them, I often do so myself, (along with the other audios I’ve produced) as refreshing my memory and reflecting on the picture of reality the evidence has put together, still sharpens my perspective and always thrills my soul!

In a world where there are so many lonely, empty and hurting people,  it is good to know that the truth of this Coming New Reality can provide a profound and transcendent sense of hope, unmatched by anything this wounded, limited, temporary world can offer.

And furthermore, that it is literally open to anyone…if they will only utilize those Keys!

Sharing this message is the main purpose behind the Great Questions Group, and why I continue to develop this Forum and reach out and connect with more and more people to share it with. 

Speaking of which, here is a brief email I received from a young man, after I reached out to he and his girlfriend just yesterday…

Good evening Mark,

We spoke earlier today at 24 hour fitness. I spent some time looking at your webpage you shared with us. The audio clips are great and very insightful. Feel free to add me to your mailing list I look forward to hearing the new material.

Thank you,

Additionally, I am also building a tool here to help each of you provide the same hope to others you might know who need it, too!

Interestingly, doing so–providing someone else with an awareness of this New Reality–is one of the Keys, through which we actually enhance our own experience there.

And finally, if you are up for it, please consider making a (perhaps generous) year-end donation to help support the continuing work of this GQG endeavor in the New Year…for in doing so, not only will you help encourage and bless the lives of many others, you will also be making another kind of investment into your New Reality!

Please visit the Support Page of the Forum…where I have also just added a new “Tax Exempt Organization Search” link for anyone who might wish to verify that Mark of Matthew, Inc. is a valid nonprofit in good standing with the IRS.

And for those of you who are led to donate, and also those of you who already support the Group throughout the year–a few even monthly–a big heart-felt Thank You to each of you!

With warm wishes to everyone for a very happy and reflective Christmas Holiday Season.

Mark  🙂

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