“Probability” and a Thank You! (Science and Origins Part 4)

Greetings GQG Friends!

First, I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you who shared your kind thoughts and prayers with me over the last few months, regarding the passing of my Dad back in March.

There have been quite a few–including those from my Business Team and my Social Media friends–and they are still trickling in.

Though it will be a significant endeavor, it has always been my goal to respond to each of you personally…but with only a few exceptions, I have yet to be able to do so.

However, now that things are starting to settle down a bit, I am planning on beginning this process in the near future.

In the meantime, I wanted to express my heart-felt appreciation to everyone collectively.


Also, I wanted to share my Newly Released Fourth Part of my Science and Origins Series: “Probability”

In this Session I share some astounding numbers from some highly qualified scientists and mathematicians, regarding the odds that even the basic building blocks of living systems, could’ve arisen by chance.

I think it will “blow you away”!Β  It certainly did me!

I have also included the link to an older, but really cool video I saw years ago which helps give us an appreciation for the “Powers of Ten” which I refer to in Part 4.

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